Women 21 yo, single, acute hypogastric pain, polykiuria, urine analysis no abnormal.
Ultrasound scanning in pelvis showsuterus normal in size with endometrium thickening, fluid arround uterus looks like blood(US 1) and on right site uterus one mass round of 5 cm with multiple cystic( US 2),US 3 color doppler this mass is normal vascular , US 4 PW Doppler of right uterine artery with RI IS 82.
Sonologist alerts there is bleeding intrapelvis and suspected rupture of right ovary cyst.
MSCT with CE : Uterus is no pregnancy intrauterus ( CT1), this mass at right parameter is cystic central and the wall is thickeningwith blood arrounding.
Radiologist diagnosis is hemoperitoneum due to rupture of corpus luteinic at the right ovary, blood volume arround 100ml.
Blood test makes sure beta HCG is negative.
Clinical finding is acute pelvis pain in female single patient, ultrasound quickly detected bleeding intra pelvis and blood test for rule out ectopic pregnancy.
Ultrasound is best diagnosis and follow up this case no need CT in this case
This patient was admitted OBGY hospital for surveyin 3 daysand dischargelater.
Conclusion: in female acute pelvis pain ultrasound is first choice FOR diagnosis about corpus luteinic rupture bleeding, beta HCG confirmsfor diagnosisof MITTELSCHMERZT SYNDROME.