Woman 33yo, 4 months after cesarian operation detected a mass near umbilicus on right side, fixed palpation,
Ultrasound.scanning of this mass revealed intra abdominal wall mass, from lower part of rectus abdominis muscle. ( US 1, US 2. US 3 ( linear probe), video) . Video clip shows this tumor from anterior abdominal wall ).
On MRI, this tumor is solid, size of 12 cm, structure looked like uterine myoma.
( MRI1, MRI2, MRI3).
At first, diagnosis from one OBGY doctor is endometriosis post c-section. But another sonologist from Obgy hospital is pediculate fibroma of uterus. One radiologist looking MRI says tumor of rectus abdominis muscle same as fibromuscular mass.
Operation for remove this tumor; operator reported this tumor was well bordered, hard,
and developered from rectus muscle, not from the middle line if c-section.
Macro.view of section surface look like fibroma.
Operation for remove this tumor; operator reported this tumor was well bordered, hard,
and developered from rectus muscle, not from the middle line if c-section.
Macro.view of section surface look like fibroma.
Discussion 2: In past history she had been first c-section for first delivery 3 years ago. During second pregnancy, this patient known having fibroma of uterus from doctor ObGyn. It is mistaken prenatal diagnosis. Her past history is very important issue for diagnosing today.