Woman 32 yo, 3 days ago, fever and pain at right upper quadrand of abdomen with MURPHY SIGN POSITIVE in clinical palpation.
Report of ultrasound in emergency from a province hospital was cholecystitis necrosis and peritonitis ( US picture).
At MEDIC, reviewed ultrasound shows US 1: CDI revealed big gallbladder and edema of the wall, no stone, no perforation. CBD is no dilatation, no hypervascular.
US 2: fluid collecting in Morrison’s space extending to right iliac fossa.
US 3:normal scanning at pancreas area.
Patient reports painful in pressing of ultrasound probe over gallbladder area .
Sonologist suggested edema of the gallbladder wall and ascites maybe due to hemorragic fever reaction.
Blood tests confirmed low WBC, low platelets, and Dengue test IgG positive.
Based on ultrasound picture and blood tests, diagnosis was infected Dengue; gallbladder edema only due to reaction. And the management for the case is medical follow-up in progress of disease.
Acute Acalculous Cholescystitis and Ascites [Dengue Fever stage III]
Acute Acalculous Cholescystitis and Ascites [Dengue Fever stage III]