A 30 year-old female patient with a 13x17 mm right breast tumor goes through breast ultrasound 3 times.
In the first time, results are tumor BI-RADS 4A, FNAC : Fibrocystic changes.
A 30 year-old female patient with a 13x17 mm right breast tumor goes through breast ultrasound 3 times.
In the first time, results are tumor BI-RADS 4A, FNAC : Fibrocystic changes.
A HTA 65 year-old female with chest pain, mild apsnea and without gastroenterological symptom.
Ultrasound incidentally detects a 37x29 mm hypervascular hypoechoic mass which seems to be from the small bowel at her left abdomen.
Because of the rare incidence of small intestine (SI) tumor and in SI GIST, sonologists choose a SI polyp in differentiaziting a SI GIST.
MSCT confirms a 30x40 mm non invasive bowel wall tumor of GIST, strongly captures CE.
Endoscopic examination notes an exophytic jejunum tumor and open surgery removes a small intestine loop which is an adequate clearance of 5 cm upper and lower of the tumor, and performs an end-to-end anastomosis.
Gross specimen is a 5cm bowel intestine that exists at submucosa layer. The tumor section surface is solid, whitish with hemorrhagic ulceronecrosis.
Microscopic studies reveales spindle cells type of GIST with low mitose index.
Cerebral ischemic diagnosing bases on spontaneity of decreasing and loss memory and vision. And Face Arm Speech Time [FAST] scale. Roles of diagnostic imaging in cerebral ischemia are exactly detecting and rapidly in time (less than one hour).
CASE 01:
A male patient 55 year-old with left eye blurred vision and left dull headache for 2 days. 8 months ago his right arm was in weakness in 2 hours. History notes no FAST, without HTA, DM, except smoking for 30 years.
Brain MRI notes left brain ischemia at occipital region in small area and leukoaraiosis.
CTA notes the left ICA occlusion and the left middle cerebral artery is enhanced from the left anterior cerebral artery.
A HTA male patient 63 year-old with spontaneous loss memory after a critical headache for 6 days. His history is smoking and alcohol beverage for 40 years. No FAST. No loss vision.
Vascular ultrasound notes plaque at the right ICA origin which narrows up 90% lumen and total left ICA occlusion (NASCET), ICA/CCA ratio> 2.
Brain MRI shows large cerebral ischemia, occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery and the left ICA.
A 64 year-old female patient with fatigue in general check-up.
Neck ultrasound incidentally detects a right 16×11mm parathyroid tumor in right posteroinferior face of thyroid.
PTH value highly raised but not raised calcemia value. Osteogram notes her osteoporosis with bone fracture risk 6 times more.
Parathyroid Scan BIMI-99 Tc confirms a right parathyroid tumor.
Normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism is a newly described variant of hyperparathyroidism.
It is defined as persistently low or normal corrected or ionized serum calcium levels taken at least six months apart in the presence of elevated parathyroid hormone levels.
It may be primary or secondary. Normocalcemic secondary hyperparathyroidism is treated medically, while primary may need surgery.
The initial diagnostic approach for the patient is to rule out all secondary causes of hyperparathyroidism.
Normocalcemic primary hyperparathyroidism may be present in up to 17% of all cases of elevated PTH.
While usually asymptomatic, over one-third of nPHPT will progress to symptomatic bone disease or nephrolithiasis.
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia needs to be ruled out. This can generally be done via a low calcium/creatinine clearance ratio.
A male patient 40 year-old in check-up was detected a 39x45 mm mass nearby the head of pancreas by ultrasound. Sonologist noted a mesenteric tumor or GIST.
A male child 15 year-old with dysuria and had been failed in treatment for urinary infections many times.
Ultrasound detected a 4x5 cm solid mass at right anterior face of urinary bladder with a calcified spot.
MSCT noted an urachal remnant adhesive to bladder or bladder tumor.
Bladder endoscopy removed the tumor, and microscopic result is glandular cystitis.
A female patient 43 year-old with right upper abdomen pain for 3 months but failed with unknown treatments.
Ultrasound at Medic Can tho detected a 78×100 mm solid hypoechoic mass with Doppler signals inside and noted a mesenteric tumor.
MSCT confirmed a 98x76x91 mm mass with soft tissue density which adhered stomach wall maybe an exophytic gastric GIST.
Endoscopic surgery removed the tumor and microscopic result is a gastrointestinal GIST.
A 52 year-old female patient with arm, face muscle weakness and slight ptosis for months in management with mestinon. She askes for knowing more about her disease and how to solve her illness.
MSCT detects multinodular blossom in the thymus and mediastinal lymph nodes. While brain MRI represents no brain tumor.
Ultrasound notes no cervical lymph node for biopsy.
Thoracic endosurgery removed the thymomal tumor and lymph nodes in mediastinum.
Microscopic result is lipoma of thymus, thymolipomatous myasthenia gravis.
A 50 year-old female patient with right kidney tumor and non hematuria. CA 19-9 raised and normal urine tests.
And normal EKG and chest X-ray.
Ultrasound confirmed a huge right kidney cystic tumor 97x93×88mm, hypovascularized but cystic necrotizing inside with cloudy fluid. The capsule of tumor was intact while its content was inhomogeneous echogeneicity.
MSCT represented later a #90×100×110 mm cystic tumor of upper pole of right kidney. BOSNIAK IV.
Open surgery explored and removed the right renal cystic tumor at upper part of kidney by scissor; some sludge fluid drained out from the bottom of the cystic tumor, and surgeons left a haft of right kidney in the renal bed after sewing it.
Microscopic result is adenocarcinoma of kidney.
A 37 year-old man complained the pain of his knee and lower part of right thigh and first digit of foot for one year. His prior history notes no trauma.
Ultrasound detected a inhomogeneous hyperechoic mass #49×27mm at upper part of the knee that could not describe clearly the tendon and the periost of femur bone beneath.
Laboratory findings were nothing remarkable, except diabetes and lipid metabolic disorders.
MRI described a synovial giant cell tumor.
A 42 year-old man with continuing pain in LLQ for one week and complained a light diarrhea and lymph node at his left neck. He had no fever.
Laboratory findings noted raised beta 2 microglobulin.
Ultrasound detected hepatosplenomegaly and many lymph nodes in the abdomen, groins and neck that lead to think about an infiltration of lymphoma stage IV.
Full body MSCT was done and detected a metastasized seminoma in abdomen and mediastinum.
Chest X-RAY noted nothing remarkable.
Microscopic and chemoimmunologic staining result of the left neck node was germinoma.
Scrotum ultrasound detected a tumor of the right testis, #75×36×66mm, vascularised , hypoechoic which metastasized pelvic and 2 groin lymph nodes.
There are 03 cases in the topic of Choriocarcinoma that are noted a correlation to the corneal ectopic pregnancy.
Case 01: A 34 yo female patient in hemorrhagic shock, painful abdomen due to ectopic pregnancy.
TVS proved a corneal ectopic pregnancy and emergency surgery was done. But beta HCG raised continuously # 15,535 and a decision of removing of uterus was done. And chemotherapy later was managed.
Case 02: A 37 yo female patient went through an open surgery for splitting a corneal of uterus as left corneal ectopic pregnancy aged 7 weeks.
Post-op the beta HCG was 15,055. So it was a choriocarcinoma with ectopic pregnancy. MTX chemotherapy was done and saved the female patient.
Case 03: A 28 yo female patient with right corneal ectopic pregnancy and beta HCG raised 29,253. Open surgery was done to split right corneal uterus.
But beta HCG got down slowly for 2 months and it was only a case of placental retention.
A 48 year-old woman, G2P2, with colicky pain of her colon is getting worse for one month. She has been managed for vaginitis and inflammed uterine cervix, and irritable bowel syndrome that was noted usually existing in her periods.
TVS and colposcopy showed acute inflammed cervix and vaginitis. Colonoscopy denied colon disorders.
A 42 year-old woman without jaundice came to check-up. Her prior history had thyroid cancer for 5 years and intrahepatic biliary dilatation 2 years before but unknown the cause.
Ultrasound noted a hyperechoic mass at the hepatic hilus on normal hepatic bed.
A 55 year-old woman with mass at right axilla, her private physician wanted a lymph node biopsy.
Ultrasound and MSCT detected thickening skin of right areola and swollen right axillary lymph node.
Microscopic result of lymph node biopsy was metastasized adenocarcinoma.
But sonologist noted an umbilical mass, solid, hypervascularized that was appeared in the same time of the right axillary nodes. She tried to find out an abdominal neoplasm in remembering a case of Mary Joseph nodule.
Ultrasound, colonoscopy and MSCT detected a sigmoid colon wall thickening due to tumor.
Surgery removed the tumor and microscopic result was a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of colon.
So we have a case of metastasized axillary lymph node, a Sister Mary Joseph nodule with the origin of sigmoid colon cancer.
A 23 year-old girl in annual general check-up with raised CA 19-9= 230u/mL.
Ultrasound detected a mixed tumor of the right ovary.
Endoscopic surgery removed the right ovary teratoma and the value of CA 19-9 comes back to normal=23.9u/mL.
A 54 year-old woman with lump feeling in her right breast came to a breast ultrasound examination.
Breast ultrasound detected right breast tumor which was BI-RADS 3 classified.
But mammography represented a right breast BI-RADS 4 with microcalcification.
MRI confirmed a right breast tumor classified BI-RADS 4.
FNAC result was normal but core biopsy with chemo immunologic staining showed invasive breast carcinoma.
A right mastectomy was done.
Of 119 cases of breast tumor enrolled in a comparison report of breast ultrasound by conventional breast ultrasound and AI at Medic Center; the authors, between 2 methods, declared AI helps exactly diagnosing the classified BI-RADS 4c cases while the results of both 2 methods had statistically the same sensibility for all classified BI-RADS. It’s maybe, in our knowledge, the first report concerning AI on breast ultrasound in Vietnam and other southern Asian countries.
But conventional breast ultrasound described more characteristics of the malignancy of the breast tumor than AI that only based on the 5 classic criterii : boundary, circumscribed, axe, echogeneicity, and tumoral form. However AI could use like a screening tool of ultrasound for the malignant breast tumors. In the protocol, biopsy and, in particular conditions, breast MRI are gold standard for correct evaluation of breast tumor.
In condition, AI improved the malignancy for cases of classified BI-RADS 4c and over. And the authors said that naturally needs more informed reports of other studies with more tumor breast cases.
Case 01:A 19 year-old man with fever and dyspnea for one month.
Cardiac ultrasound could not explore the anterior of the heart but no ventricular hypertrophy was noted.
MSCT confirmed an anterior mediastinal mass.
Surgery removed the anterior mediastinal lipoma.
Chest X-RAY film post-of came back normally with no mediastinal tumor.
Mediastinal lipoma is a rare benign entity which may detect incidentally with dyspnea, difficult speaking and swallowing.
Heart shadow is large on chest X-RAY film but EKG and ultrasound are normally appearances.
MSCT detected exactly the tumor which has fatty density of 95 HU.
And it needs any further invasive technique to diagnose and management.
3 cases [1 man, 2 women] with dyspnea and lower limb edema and tachycardia represented pulmonary embolism. Both of them had venous thrombosis while the two women have been using oral contraceptive drugs for over 5 months. The male patient uses unknown drugs for painful lower limbs and calf cramps
Case 01: Man 39 year-old with calf cramps. Past history of left leg trauma. Dyspnea for 3 days. Tachycardia and venous thrombosis of lower limb on ultrasound. Troponin slightly rising.
MSCT confirmed PE.
Case 2: Woman 33 year-old with asthenia and dyspnea and 2 lower limbs edema. Oral contraceptive for 5 months. D-Dimer and troponin rising.