Woman 30 yo with total colectomy by colon poliposis for 2 years ; one month ago she detected ascitesunknown origineat MEDIC [19, April]. Ultrasound showed that high volume ascites,normal liver and.kidney(see 4 pictures ultrasound).
CT of abdomen with CEalso cannot detected the cause ofascites; she underwent laparoscopic biopsy of peritoneum and report was non specific chronic inflamation.
One week later [ 25,April, 2016] she got acute abdomen pain..and came toMEDIC again.
CT of abdomen with CE detected left kidney hydronephrosis 2nd degreeand one mass of 5 cm in retroperitoneum near abdominal aorta bifurcationobstructed left ureterloodk like urinoma (see CT 1 and ultrasound imagesof this mass(see US2).
Abdominal tapremoved pink ascites fluid and analysisreport= ADA negative, high protein, normal amylase, urea= 36.04mg/dL,creatinine 3.2 mg/mL (normal <1mg/ml).
Summaryof this case: ascites with CT and ultrasound detected urinomaand high creatinin in ascites that proved an uremic ascites.