Women 30yo, general check- up .
Ultrasound detected a tumor on border of liver near gallblader which deplaces left gastric curvatureand is from retroperitonealspace. Its structure are solid and cysticparts, size arround 10cm ( see ultrasound us1.. cystic part tumor in border liver; us 2..near gallblader; us 3..long scan left lobe liver and tumor.).Sonologist cannot diagnosethis tumor from lesser omentum.
MSCT with CE of this tumor is mixed structure, cystic, fatty,and calcification [ CT1..section, CT 2 frontal section , CT3 sagital ). Suggession fromradiologist is teratomatumor or lipoma necrosis.
MRI with gado( MRI 1..struture is more fat tissue., MRI 2..with fat suppression , MRI 3 frontal view). Radiologist says teratomaof retroperitoneum, in lesser omentum area.
Blood test of all cancer markersarenormal.
Laparo-operation= picture 1( retrogastric tumor well bordered)
picture 2macro
picture macro 3, opened specimen, solid and cystic tumorand fluid inside like milk)