Female 15 yo, pain at pelvis, no mentrial cycle.
Ultrasound of pelvis one sonologist suggested ovarian tumor.
review of ultrasound:
US1: cystic structure in pelvis, long 20cm, morphology like a hourglass, upper portion near bifurcation of abdominal aorta.
US2: cross-section..of the mass : fluid and debris inside.
US3. Cross- section, the wall of the upper part is thiskening.
US4 with linear probe: wall is thickening in comparison to the lower part.
Ultrasound report suggested a hematometriocolpos.
MRI of pelvis detected this mass with old blood inside.
Diagnosis is imperforated hymen and hematometriocolpos.
ObGyn doctor treated by incision of hymen for drainage of this old blood.