Small size breast tumor <10mm may be revealed early in yearly screenning.
Small size breast tumor <10mm may be revealed early in yearly screenning.
A 67 yo male patient with multinodular goiter in reexamination.
Ultrasound Medic revealed a cyst with air inside in posterior of right thyroid lobe
CT with CE confirmed the cyst in contrast which is in connection to esophagus on the right side. A Zenker diverticulum was noted.
A 63 year-old male patient goes to the doctor because of bloody sputum in coughing for some days with feeling of suffocation. There was no sign or symptom of other organs. CBC was in normal range, coagulation tests were within normal range.
Chest CT scan in a local hospital showed a small nodule at the posterior wall of the trachea which was suspected a tracheobronchitis or a papilloma of the trachea.
His wife and his familial doctor also want having a bronchoscopy for the patient at MEDIC.
3 days later, patient no longer spitted bloody sputum, and completely seems to be healthy. The pulmonologist decided to repeat chest CT and virtual bronchoscopy for the patient. Chest CT at MEDIC showed tracheal lesion disappeared.
Characteristics to detect a mucus secretion in trachea:
• Small size.
• At posterior wall of trachea (supine position during CT scan procedure).
• Small air shadow within the nodule suggesting mucus secretion.
• It will be transformed or disappeared after coughing.
Mucus secretion in trachea can be mistaken with endoluminal trachea tumor.
Their characteristics on chest CT should be put under caution. And a repeated CT scan made after coughing may help detecting a mucus secretion. Thanks of that we could avoid unnecessary invasive procedure for patient.
A case with chest CT showed multiple nodular lesions that were both upper lobes, indicated a pulmonary tuberculosis. And it existed a small nodule at posterior wall of trachea. After coughing, repeated CT scan showed the nodule of trachea disappeared.
A 56 year-old female patient suffered from epigastric pain for one month with out fever. WBC 18,880/L , hCRP 129.5mg/L.
Ultrasound of abdomen revealed an abscess of liver that came from a cholecystitis due to stone. Gall bladder wall thickening was perforated that connected to the abscess. And there were stones in CBD and cystic duct.
MRI was done before a surgical treatment.
Endoscopic surgery at first but it did to change to open surgery to take away the hepatic abscess, that was in GB bed. Inflammed GB adhered to liver, mesentery and duodenum that has been dissected difficultly.
Surgeons performed partial cholecystectomy, and Kehr drainage after removing stones in CBD and in cystic duct.
DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION:Hepatic abscess due to perforated cholecystitis with biliary stone is still a rare entity. Ultrasound could detect successfully cholecystitis due to biliary stone [84-97 % sensitive, and 95-97% specific] that seems to be higher than CT or MRI does.
A male doctor 69 year-old patient with sputum cough for one week. He got a submandibular mass in suspecting lymphoma or parotid tumor. But on the neck, ultrasound revealed parotid tumor that was concluded a Warthin 's tumor with pathological result of core biopsy.
Morever the doctor patient suffers from a benign tumor of sigmoid colon, gastritis with ulcer and hepatosplenomegaly, and fortunatly gets over the lymphoma haunting.
1. Warthin Tumor: Papillary Cystadenoma Lymphomatosum "occurs in the tail of the parotid in aged men". [DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination, 2004].
A 11 year-old female patient with a small cyst on left side of her neck for 5 months. A TB regimen started for a while.
Ultrasound detected a cyst of subcutaneous layer on left side of the neck, well-limited, round, with a dark line adhered the skin. Echostructure is mixed: cystic and some trabecular thicker semisolid structures inside which are like septation. It exists some septa with colored signal arterial type.
Common cystic lesion in subcutaneous layer adhering the skin usually named sebaceous cyst, epidermoid cyst. But in this case, a very small dark incontinuous in upper border of the cyst helps thinking to a skin hair. That is the key of a pilomatrixoma which is still a rare entity of habit in clinic.
The cyst was entirely removed.
A 90 year-old male patient with a painless node at right angle of his mouth. His past history was a left kidney cancer that had been cured for 5 years.
Skin utrasound by VINNO M86 system with linear probe 16MHz and 23MHz.
Focal cystic lesion # 9x4mm, represented mixed structure in subcutaneous layer, with fluid, non vascular, well limitted capsule. Elastography was green code that means a medium hardness. A benign mucous cyst was noted.
A 68 year-old male patient with jaundice in ruling out of head of pancreas tumor from Tra vinh province went to Medic Center for an exact diagnosis before a surgical treatment.
Ultrasound ruled out pancreatic tumor and noted intrahepatic bile duct dilatation and 2 sides pleuresia. Gallbladder was not big with some sludge. Wall of bile duct thickening # 6-7mm, hyperechoic, CBD diameter 1.24mm existed 0.66--1.2 mm bile sludge at the beginning of CBD. Sign of bile duct tumor was unclear.
Surgery was done that detected bile duct tumor #1x2 cm. Removed bile duct tumor, GB, and connecting hepatic duct to jejunum by Roux-en-Y. Anapath was CholangioCarcinoma grade 2 invasive.
A 67 year-old male patient, presented with periumbilical and left lumbar pain for one month that was not response to treatment.
Abdominal ultrasound detected one mixed echogenic mass in the left lumbar mesentery with the diameter of 84 x 47mm. The conclusion was: Suspected mesenteric infarction (Differential diagnosis: Intra-abdominal Abscess) – Hepatic Steatosis – Abdominal Aortic Atherosclerosis.
Conclusion: Physicians should be on high alert when patients with abdominal pain not responding to the treatment. Abdominal ultrasound and MSCT help guiding the appropriate diagnosis for the case.
A 68 year-old male patient with a mass at right neck in lung TB regimen for 4 months but still weight loss and sudation. The painful mass existed for 1 month and getting bigger with skin redness.
Soft tissue ultrasound detected a complexe mass #57x43 mm in muscle at right neck from angula of lower maxillary region which distorsed structure, with intramuscular fluid beside cervical vertebral column C4. It existed not any neck lymph node.
MRI confirmed a right neck tumor invasive to muscle.
Chest CT = no lung invasive, no mediastinal lymph node nor axillary node. Bone marrow biopsy exist not any malignant cell.
In surgical biopsy for chemohistopathology of the tumor resulted small cell lymphoma (C83).
The patient was treated TB lung completely and then continued lymphoma chemotherapy. Now the muscular tumor was smaller 80% and the patient remains well.
Primary muscle lymphoma is very rare entity without characteristic imaging findings but diagnostic imaging keeps a role.
Cancer Imaging (2013) 13(4), 448457 DOI: 10.1102/1470-7330.2013.0036
Imaging of musculoskeletal lymphoma hodgkin-lymphoma/small-lymphocytic-lymphoma/ leukemiasmalllymphocytic-lymphoma indications-for
Muscle lymphoma | Radiology Reference Article |
Hindawi Case Reports in Radiology Volume 2017, Article ID 2068957, 7 pages
Diagnostic challenge of soft tissue extranodal Hodgkin lymphoma in core-needle
biopsy: case report
A 19 year-old female patient with lumbago and periumbilical pain went to Medic Center for ultrasound examination for 10 days.
Abdomen ultrasound detects a calcified mass, colorless signal, close by the vertebral column on left side which is thought a TB abscess or a retroperitoneal tumor. On vertebral X-ray films there are erosions of the vertebral bodies T 11 and T 12.
MSCT confirms a tissue density mass, well limited, with calcifications inside, # 11x17x7 cm, medium contrast captured. From under the diaphragm the mass compresses left kidney and soft tissues around and erodes vertebral bodies T11, T 12. It may be a retroperitoneal neurogenic tumor.
Ultrasound detects a cystic mass # 17.9x11.2 centimeter from his navel to pubis, and jejunum dilatation with obstruction sign (washing machine sign). The cystic mass contents fluid and septation with vascular sign on its walls. The cause of bowel obstruction was noted by a non-dilated bowel loop at the mesenteric root with whirpool sign.
There is not bowel malrotation nor duplication cyst, so the ultrasound findings is bowel volvulus due to a mesenteric cyst.
MSCT confirms bowel volvulus due to a mesenteric cyst later.
Open surgery is done after endoscopic investigation. The cystic mass with yellowish fluid and a part of bowel are removed. Patient remains well post-op.
A 69 year-old male patient enters Medic Center with ten days of fever, thoracic pain and trouble ingestion. He was managed as gastritis but nothing change.
MSCT represents a # 3 centimeter mass containing air which is an upper mediastinal abscess with some calcified foci inside due to a fistula of 1/3 middle part of esophagus.
Surgeon advises immediatly transferring the patient to a surgery hospital.A 43 year-old male patient with gastritis and hypertensive crisis, TA=140/100mmHg, P=88b/min.
Ultrasound detects a right adrenal tumor # 41x47milimiter, solid echo poor, less vascularized.