A 4 years-old boy presented to Medic Center with one year history of weakness, fatigue, lethargy, pale skin and less active. No recognition of other symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain or bloody stools. Patient was done blood test and abdominal ultrasound.
Abdominal ultrasound detected colo-colonic intussusception in the right upper quadrant with concentric rings sign in transverse scan and "hay fork" sign in long axis scan. Located adjacent the intussusception show an isoechoic to hypoechoic solid mass, well defined oval, 30 mm in diameter, hypervascular in the hilus of the mass. Those blood vessels were continuing with the blood vessels from central portion of the intussusception. Sonologist suspected a intussusception of the ascending colon secondary to a polyp.
Laboratory investigations showed the reduction of Hemoglobin: 6.5 g / dl.
The patient was transferred to the hospital Nhi Dong 2. He had positive fecal occult blood test. Colonoscopy showed a polyp of ascending colon.
A surgery was then obtained 2 weeks later.
Surgical results confirmed polyp of the ascending colon which pathology result is tubular polyp.