A 66 year-old woman with loss of weight and constipation for months.
Ultrasound detected a # 86x106 mm right pelvic cystic tumor which was in front of the sacrum-coccyx and elevated the rectum from behind. It may a GIST but could not ruled out of an ovarian tumor.
Both two kidneys were in hydronephrosis without stone, may due to be pressed in pelvic region.
Lab data were not interested.
MSCT represented an 9x10 cm ovarian tumor and vegetations in the pelvis which caused the hydronephrosis .
Surgery removed the ovarian tumor FIGO IIB, uterus, anexals, rectum and sigmoid colon, epiploon, and an arteficial anus was made.
Histopathologic result was Retroperitoneal malignant tumor [high grade adenocarcinoma], primary peritoneal cancer.Remaining well post-op, the patient was going through a chemotherapy planning.