Two cases of infected Fasciola hepatica whose larva migrants having in the same time some hepatic lesions and thickening of duodenum (2023) and right colon wall (2017) that are noted at Medic Center.
CASE ONE: A male patient 45 year-old with history of thyroid cancer in 2013 goes to a hospital as nausea, abdominal pain without fever after a ceremony buffet. Ultrasound detects hepatic lesions and MRI later reveals lesions in caudate lobe of liver and duodenum D3 wall thickening that is thought a case of infiltration of lymphoma on GI tract and liver.
But lab data notes raised eosinophil (48%) and positive Elisa tests for Fasciola and Gnathostoma.Ultrasound of Medic Center confirmes liver lesions and D3 wall thickening that maybe concludes due to infected parasites.
After 6 weeks managed by medical parasite drugs for Fasciola the male patient remains well; liver lesions reduces size and duodenum wall gets normal on ultrasound and abdominal MSCT and getting downed eosinophil proportion.
A female patient with Fasciolasis lesions in her liver and her right colon wall thickening in the same time which were detected by ultrasound and MSCT.
Endoscopic biopsy of colon result was epithelial inflammation with eosinophil white blood cells.
Larva migrants, especially for Fasciola sp, have a classic site in liver and biliary tree in acute phase and chronic phase.
It exists two cases of larva migrants going outside the liver and biliary tree, to GI tract. If having lesions of it in liver or biliary tree one should not forget to find out larva migrants in another place.
Ultrasound and Fascioliasis at MEDIC CENTER, Vietnam ( Oct, 21, 2013