A 62 year-old HTA female patient with asthenia, impermanent chest pain for one month, is diagnosed aortic dissection by color Doppler ultrasound. She has got slightly leg edema for one week before ultrasound examination.
HTA: 150/80 mmHg, HR : 115 b/min.
Ultrasound detects a thick flap inside abdominal aortic lumen which separates the 22 milimeter aorta into 2 colored Doppler code lumens. The aortic dissection presents from thorax to right iliac artery. Blood streams in two lumens of the aorta are different with one velocity of 66 cm/s lower than the other, 166 cm/s.
AngioMSCT confirmes aortic dissection from aortic arc in the chest to iliac artery in abdomen. The left kidney artery comes from the lower velocity lumen.