Woman 50 yo, hypertension on medical treatment, well controlled, one week ago she was getting very weak and fallingdown tobrain trauma. CTscan the head has nothing, but blood test showed hypokalemia K = 1.7 mEq /ml, abnormal EKG with wave T= Udeformation. Ultrasoundscanof abdomendetectedone 2cm smalltumorat right adrenal area (2 pictures).
MSCTwith CE showed this tumorinhighenhancement (HU= 8.2 rising to59.9)(see 2 CT pictures).
Blood tests fromadrenalgland hormones werenormal,aldosterone dynamictestwas=84 pg/mL,aftertest115pg/mL.
This case was operated by endoscopy for removing this tumor. See macro and microscopic specimen and report is adenoma of cortical adrenal (photo).