Male patient, 51yo, from Kien giang province, with asthenia of right leg in walking about a distance of 100 meter.
At Medic Center, vascular ultrasound revealed aliasing spectrum of right common iliac artery in stenosis # 80% due to atherosclerosis.
Right common femoral artery shows Doppler spectral biphasic pattern.
Right pedial artery with tardus parvus pattern and decreasing severely of arterial flow.
CT Angio later comfimed diagnostic.
Transferred to Binh Dan hospital, by via DSA, patient went to arterial dilatation and stenting to recover flow of root of right common iliac artery.
DSA before arterial dilatation= Confirmed diagnostic of 80% stenosis of right iliac artery root.
After arterial dilatation and stenting= Well recovered arterial flow, and no more arterial stenosis on controlled film.
Patient remains well and discharged in healthy status one day later.
CONCLUSION: Atherosclerosis causes severe stenosis #80% of right common iliac artery which had been rapidly diagnosed, and safety of management by arterial dilatation and stenting. Only one day lasting for treatment in hospital, patient finely discharged without intermittent claudication symptom.