Male 28yo, with swelling and scrotal pain in thrombophlebitis management and spermatic vein thrombosis for 2 months but nothing change that a hospital in HCM city made decision to surgery because of not ruling out a sarcoma?
US and MRI cannot rule out a spermatic tumor.
Chest X-Rays detected fibrotic lesion in right subclavian area and suspected TB lesion of right lung.
FNAC for left neck lymph node thinks about TB node.
Pulmonary and TB PNT hospital suspected TB testis and peripheric nodular disorders.
For 4 months of TB treatment, on ultrasound in Medic Center, head of epidydimis decreases volume #24x16mm, hyperechoic pattern, non hypervascular irrigation with existing a small abscess of 16x11mm, and scrotal skin slightly thickend with small amount of fluid in scrotum.
Decreasing of volume of left neck lymph nodes =10-29mm.
TB of epidydimis is a rare entity. Ultrasound findings is painful or painless area, hypoechoic homogenous or inhomogenous pattern due to necrotized, granulomatic and fibrotic changes.