Female 92 yo, complaint of a right chest pain and subcostal pain for 5 days that gets more painful when coughing and moving. In emergency examination, she is in consciousness and well contact.
Pouls and blood tension are normal
EKG PoC at bed :Ischemic myocardial regions in lateral anterior, lateral high and diaphragmatic of heart.
Chest X-Rays PoC (in surpine) results: Cardiopathy due to atherosclerosis, nothing abnormal detected of lungs, pleural and thoracic cage, elevated right diaphragm.
Lung Ultrasound PoCUS
No pneumothorax proved by existing sliding sign (+).
No pneumothorax proved by existing sliding sign (+).
No pleural effusion
Abdomen Ultrasound PoCUS = No free fluid, no findings of contusion of solid organs = liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys.
Thoracic wal ultrasound PoCUS= Light fracture of 3rd rib anterior arcade without deplacement, and soft tissue around slight edema.
PoCUS at home helps ruling out dangerous conditions like pneumothorax, hemopleuresis, hemoperitoneum, solid organ contusions. PoCUS may evaluate painful points and decide on site (at home) appropriate managements. In face- to - face contact, PoCUS may help patient coming down and getting out of anxiety in emergency.