Woman 69 yo with history of mastectomy due to breast cancer for 18 years. Now for a screening she chose full body CT.
CT reported a liver mass at segment 5 , size# 6cm (CT 1 and CT 2).
Ultrasound reviewed:
US 1: Liver picture scan in April 2018 is normal
US 2 : A hypoechoic mass near the gall bladder.
US 3: Vascular supply for this mass is central tumor.
Blood tests= Wako test normal, CA 15-3 normal .
MRI of iver with primovist made diagnostic by radiologist is metastasis to liver ( MRI 1, 2, 3, 4).
Ultrasound guided core biopsy report = fibrosis
Summary of this case: A mass in liver # 6 cm suspected metastasis from breast cancer had been treated 18 yrs before and waiting for operation.