Ultrasound of scrotum finds out left testis too big # 4 cm x 5 cm, solid hypoechoic looked like a hypovascular cyst.
US 1= crossed section, hypoechoic in comparison to right testis.
US 2 = hypovascular tumor
US 3 = elastoUS, solid tumor # 25 kPa.
MSCT with CE this tumor is quick CE enhanced with calcification.
CT 1 : frontal view
CT 2 : sagittal view
CT 3: sagittal view of left testis tumor
Blood tests= beta HCG , AFP = normal levels; LDH= is 313 (n :246)
Based on clinical , ultrasound, ACD, CT diagnostic pre op is seminoma.
Operation removed tumor (see macro).
Microscopic result is seminoma.