Man 34 yo, now epigatric pain with history of operation for repairing aortic valve since 2008.
Ultrasound of abdomen detected abnormal aorta.
US 1 crossed- section aortic size 3 cm with anechoic crescent in lumen of aorta
US 2 longitudinal scan with Doppler dual gates= aorta had double flows intra aorta in turbulence.
US 3 video
Ultrasound suspected dissection of abdominal aorta
MSCT angio:
CT 1 crossed section near aortic valve.
CT 2 crossed section over cross aortic also see “crescent sign" of the wall of aorta, with double lumen.
CT 3 frontal view.
CT4 full aortic tree =aortic dissection.
Summary: Anechoic crescent sign in ultrasound or CT of aortic dissection.