Woman 79 yo being treated right kidney stone. 3 years ago,.with ultrasound of abdomen in black and white image detected a stone with size 1 cm (US 1, US 2 longitudinal scan and crossed section right kidney).
On color Doppler it exists an AVM with calcification ( US 3, US 4).
MSCT with CE of abdomen for making sure AVM of right kidney (CT 1,CT 2, CT 3, CT 4, CT 5) , radiologist reported at CT 3 detection of one mass at pelvis like sigmoid colon tumor.
Coloendoscopy made sure that rectum tumor # 16 cm, high from anus.
Biopsy on the way (endoscopic image)
MRI preop takes staging of rectum cancer T4 N1 Mx.
Conclusion: Abdomen CT for diagnosing AVM of right kidney detected incidentally rectum cancer.