Woman 33yo with pain in lower maxillary for one month and tension in both of 2 breats ( see photo) without pregnancy.
US scanning of abdomen= big cervix of uterus, ascites and 2 ovarian solide tumors, size 5-7 cm (US 1, US 2).
US of mammary scanning showed small hypoechoic nodules infiltrating in 2 breasts without axillary node ( US 3-US 4).
US 5-US 6-US 7 = ABVS scanning detected multiple nodules infiltrating in 2 breasts.
- MRI full body with gado detected bone marrow changing, 2 breats hypercaptured contrast ( MRI 1), ascites and kidney infiltration ( MRI 2).
MRI 3 : pelvis with 2 ovarian tumors and big uterine cervix (MRI 4).
Blood tests= lower platelets, EGFR lower 46, beta2 microglobuline raised 3816, ferritine raised 911, LDH-l raised 1360.
Basis clinical, imaging and blood tests suspected lymphoma diffuse type.
Biopsy of 2 breasts reported microscopic with IHC, beta cell lymphoma.
Summary = Lymphoma stage 4 infiltration in 2 breasts and 2 ovaries for this case.