Man 52 yo, voice tone changes for 2 months, and ENT doctor said vocal paralysis by endoscopy.
Ultrasound of the neck
US1 left thyroid lobe normal
US2 right lobe covered by a big mass 4 cm with strong posterior shadowing cannot see structure inside.
US3 near R/ CCA small nodes with calcification #1cm.
US4 with convex probe ultrasound cannot se intra tumor by very strong calcification.
CT1: cross- section of the neck = mass is very high calcification
CT2 : cross- section= calcification some lymph nodes near R/ CCA.
CT3 : frontal view with CE=HU of this mass is 1,319 UI
CT4: lymph node also has HU 1326UI.
CT5: sagittal view this mass is covered near the righ lobe of thyroid gland.
Blood test TSH is 0,041 T4 1,2 TG 97,42 ( n 3, 5-77)
Summary: For this case clinical ultrasound and CTt , blood test suggested thyroid carcinoma but report of FNA cytology is negative....