Man 56 yo with acute abdomen pain, vomitting, and blackwish stool. Clinical examination was oriented to 4th day bowel occlusion.
Abdomen US scan in emergency detected dilated bowel with crossed sectional view presented typical oignon sign of intussusception ( US 1, crossed section; US 2, longitudinal scan. With linear probe, US 3, CDI examination; US 4, multilayer of intussuscipiens [boudin].
MSCT with CE of abdomen =
CT 1: bowel dilatation due to bowel obstruction
CT 2 : mass with multilayer of small bowel wall.
CT 3 : intussusception with target sign or pseudokidney sign
CT4 : sagittal view of the abdomen
Lab test is normal.
What is your emergent diagnosis for the case?