Man 35 yo, hematuria repeated many times with many dilated subcutaneous veins on the abdomen wall [photo].
US of kidneys showed righ and left kidney looked like hydronephrosis. But cannot detected the cause ( US 1, US 2) US 3 = CDI of renal artery; US 4 = spectral Doppler of pyramid arteries; US 5 = varicosis in urinary bladder wall.
CT of kidney without CE ( CT 1)= HU of pelvis kidney = 8 UI
CT 2 with CE , CT 3: secretion phase; CT 4= small ureter on R and L sides.
MRI 1, MRI 2= kidney non CE showed pelvis kidneys dilated and fluid collection around 2 kidneys.
Ultrasound of the leg = dilated chronic deep vein thrombosis.
Conclusion= absence of IVC suprarenal with DVT of the legs, itis K I L T syndrome.