Woman 23 yo, 28 weeks primigravida with 5 days fever and abdominal pain in periodic crisis.
WBC= 27 k with neutro 97% ; CRP= 342 mg/L, normal urine test . And clinical suspected appendicitis.
Ultrasound of abdomen reported 29w pregnancy and normal status of fetus. One cystic mass retro-uterus near left pelvis iliac artery, suspected left kidney ectopic pelvis with hydro-pyonephrosis while right kidney is normal ( US 1, US 2, US 3, US 4).
MRI reported left kidney hydronephrosis due to ureter obstruction.
Emergency cystoendoscopy was done for putting stent to release pus out from left kidney.
Conclusion=Pregnancy with fever due to left pyohydronephrotic kidney as obstruction of ureter.