Woman 44yo nullipareous, with abdomen distention, and clinical suspected ovary tumor.
US scanning of abdomen detected all bowell loops in deplacement to left flank.
US 1: epigastric scanning detected right kidney near left lobe liver.
US 2: big solid mass, hyperechoic like fatty tissue.
US 3, US 4 color Doppler of this mass showed from retroperitoneum which extended from the epigastric to pelvis but no deplacement of abdominal aorta.
MRI with gado: This big mass is in retroperitoneum deplaces right kidney to liver (MRI 1, MRI 2, MRI 3, MRI 4 , MRI 5).
Radiologist reports that is retroperitoneal lipoma or retroperitoneal liposarcoma.
Operation removed this mass easily.(see macro).
Wait for microscopic report.