Baby 01month-old with huge abdomen and having an abdominal wall bleeding ulcer. In hospital ND N02 this case was suspected bleeding metastasis of abdominal wall from liver tumor and thrombocytopenia.
In MEDIC ultrasound detected many liver nodules which was thought liver metastasis or diffuse primary liver tumors. AFP values in 2 times decreased in week after week. Meanwhile beta HCG raised over 200,000UI. TOCE was done by French doctor for hemostasis to baby.
In MEDIC ultrasound detected many liver nodules which was thought liver metastasis or diffuse primary liver tumors. AFP values in 2 times decreased in week after week. Meanwhile beta HCG raised over 200,000UI. TOCE was done by French doctor for hemostasis to baby.
At that time her mother 41 yo presented cough and chest pain with normal chest X-rays film, but chest CT and MRI revealed lung metastasis.
Blood beta HCG= 39,132 UI and urine beta HGC=40,000UI.
AFP= 2.5UI, CEA 125= 20.3, CYFRA=7.57
Ultrasound of uterus and anexal detected no tumor.