Man 43 yo with epigastric pain crisis and gastroendoscopy showed gastritis.
Ultrasound detected one mass like target with thickening of the wall of colon (see US 1=csoss-section colon over right kidney); US 2 with linear probe= colon wall is thickening; US 3, US 4 = longitudinal scan).
MSCT of abdomen with CE revealed thickening of ascending colon wall (CT1, CT2).
Chest X-rays before endoscopy detected infiltration of left upper lung.
Colonoscopy reported the mass in right colon, nodular ( see foto) biopsy.
Report of endoscopist is colon cancer.
Microscopic report is colon tuberculosis.
Report of endoscopist is colon cancer.
Microscopic report is colon tuberculosis.
Conclusion = this case represented colicky pain at epigastric region but ultrasound and CT suggested colon cancer, same as colonoscopy, but microscopic is tuberculosis.of colon and left lung.