Woman 62 yo, cough and dyspnea, weakness of left side of her body 2 weeks ago.
Chest XRay first.( see pleural effusion at right lung).
Ultrasound of thorax:
US1=liver normal with mass at lower portion of right lung
US 2=liver and right lung looked like liver structure (hepatization).
US 3= scan at right thorax: pleural effusion and lung solid mass.
US 4= with 10MHz linear probe looking of visceral layer of pleural membrane having irregular nodular mass.
US 5 = this lung mass is hard like liver.
US 6= very low vascular supplying.
CT scan of lung non CE.: CT1=cross section, CT2 = frontal view, CT 3= many nodular metastasis at right and left lung.
CT4= brain scan with suggestion of metastasis at right brain..
Punction of pleural space removing yellow fluid ( foto).
Analysis of fluid = ADA very low, ruling out lung tuberculosis.
Do you thing this case is lung cancer metastasis to the brain?
Ultrasound detection of Lung Hepatization
Ultrasound detection of Lung Hepatization