Man 41 yo, headache,high BP, clinical looked like pheochromocytoma.
Ultrasound detectednothingabnormal in abdomen.
CT scan of abdomen with CE detected small tumor in jejunum wall size of 2.5 cm, very high contrast enhancement(see CT1).
2 weeks after CT with C E again also detected this tumor in same size(see CT2).
Gastro-colono endoscopy is normal, report no polyp detected. Laparoendoscopy detected this tumor is in jejunum wall..( lap1, lap 2 , ope.. )
and resection this tumor(see macro 1,2)
Surgery report is small intramural tumor of jejunum,20 cm far from D3, well bordered looked like ectopicpancreatictissue. Microscopic report is ectopic intramural jejunum pancreas tissue.