Man 38yo, high BP with headache,
psoriasis only on hands (see foto of hands),
in routine ultrasound screening of vascular neck detected bilateral common carotid stenosis completely with dilated vertebral arteries both 2 sites (see US 1,2= R-L.CCA, US 3-4=R-L/ I+ECA, US 6-7= R-L/ Vert.A).
MSCT Angio showed that completely obstruction of right and left CCA.
Patient has not loss of vision or any neurological symptom.
Blood test on DDMERE [D-DIMER] wasin normal level of 270 ng/mL.
Discussion: Do you see the BCCAO case looked like this ? What is the cause of disease?
Reference: One case of BCCAO. Discussion: Do you see the BCCAO case looked like this ? What is the cause of disease?